Dissertation proofreading service. Very often students come to us and say that they have been told by their supervisors that they need proofreading. This may come as a surprise, but it shouldn’t: it reflects the centrality of dissertation proofreading to the academic process.
The reality is that dissertation proofreading is immensely important, but that it is also the kind of service that universities are not well structured to provide. This is why supervisors often recommend using a professional dissertation proofreading service to their students: because they know the importance of good grammar and presentation, and because they know that the kind of attentiveness necessary to deliver this quality to the student isn’t available within many academic institutions.
The purpose of Oxbridge Proofreading®’s dissertation proofreading service is to fill this gap in higher educational provision. We recognise the importance of good style, grammar, spelling, referencing and presentation to academic success, and we recognise that these are all things that many students – particularly those with learning disabilities or who speak English as a second language – need help with.
Our expert proofreaders will check first your spelling and grammar to remove obvious errors like using the wrong homophone (‘where’ and ‘wear’, for example), misspelling words, or using incorrect syntax (for example, ‘the subject this quote said’) or verb agreement (for example, ‘We was there’). These kinds of errors are common even for native English speakers, and can be hard to identify in your own work because the mind, already used to the flow of your sentences and the meaning behind them, tends to skip ahead like a bored child at a museum with her parents.
After this, the proofreader will check for consistency. This is not the same as outright errors, and instead aims to make sure that, where there are equally valid options throughout the piece – using UK or US spelling, for example, or using the Oxford comma – they are deployed consistently throughout in order to give an impression of order and professionalism.
Relatedly, the proofreader can also check for consistent use of academic apparatus, particularly referencing style – ensuring that the Harvard style is employed correctly throughout, for example. Again, the aim is to give the impression that your work is professional and academic – which is broadly the focus of dissertation proofreading in general, but is most obvious in this area. Such professionalism is important, because demonstrating that you have mastered academic style and apparatus is one of the demands of any degree programme. That demonstration is going to be perceived in a large part unconsciously by your markers, however, and will be signified by hundreds of incidental or marginal choices – misplaced apostrophes, mixed reference styles, strange combinations of fonts, confusing or ambiguous grammar.
Our dissertation proofreading service is designed to deal with these problems, and this is why your supervisor may well recommend that you seek proofreading advice. Academics know that these kinds of details are important, and they know that many students may struggle with them, but they also know that they lack the time and in some cases inclination to provide the necessary assistance to every individual student. Proofreading, after all, requires sustained effort and often a substantial time investment, if it is to ensure perfection. A dissertation proofreading service ensures that this effort is put in by professionals, and that the result is perfect.
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