Dissertation Editing for International Students
UK Higher Education is becoming increasingly popular for international students, and they are forming larger and larger parts of the student body at universities from the top to the bottom of the league table. This is an important transition that is helping to diversify UK universities, improve their standards, and ensure that they remain internationally competitive at the highest level.
One area that international students must consider is that courses across the UK continue to mark students strictly on their use of English, their grammar, their style, and their deployment of technical vocabulary. There is nothing wrong with this per se, but it does have the unfortunate effect of hindering the ability of some international students, who are not native English speakers, to compete on a level playing field with English speakers. Worse, some universities are failing to provide these students with the support they need in terms of English lessons, tuition, and dissertation editing to make up the gap.
Dissertation editing for international students is designed to improve the grammar, coherence, and clarity of a piece of work so that its argument is clear, well-constructed, and expressed in correct, academic English. As such, dissertation editing for international students is perfect, particularly those who are worried about expressing themselves in English.
Dissertation editing for international students aims to retain your ideas, but to try to express them more clearly and more concisely on a sentence by sentence level. It can therefore be helpful for ESL students who have good ideas, but are handicapped by the current system and prevented by it from achieving the marks they deserve. It is important to stress that dissertation editing for international students does not change any of the ideas in the dissertation; rather, it changes the language in which those ideas are couched.
Dissertation editing for international students can therefore also be highly beneficial for those who are confident in their English, but could benefit from having it checked by an expert and native speaker. Even the best English speakers make mistakes in their writing, and these mistakes can be corrected by an experienced editor. The purpose, again, is to improve the presentation of the dissertation and to ensure that it is in line with academic standards.
It cannot be stressed enough how important presentation is at university level. Not only is it explicitly rewarded in the mark scheme, but it will be a strong influence on how your marker perceives your work. Remember that markers will often have to read dozens or even hundreds of dissertations in a very short period of time: they are likely to be irritable and to be looking for obvious ways to grade the work. Work that is error-strewn or poorly expressed, no matter how good its ideas or how impressive its argument, is likely to be marked down: markers simply don’t have either the time or the inclination to be charitable with work, to give it the benefit of the doubt, or to spend time trying to figure out what exactly you are trying to say.
Expressing yourself well, then, is highly important and is the key to getting good marks. Simple presentation can be the difference between work that is considered mediocre or good, very good or excellent. It can be the difference between a fail and a 2.2, or between a 2.1 and a first. But, despite its universal importance, writing in clear, grammatical English is not something that is taught widely in UK universities, even to the large international student body who perhaps need guidance the most. It seems unfair that the system rewards traits that it does not teach, and leaves international students at a disadvantage. This is where Oxbridge Proofreading®’s dissertation editing for international students is designed to help: it can improve the quality of your written English, and make sure that your ideas and your study get the marks they deserve.
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